5 Read the text about Martha Lawry and answer the questions, 1. What does she like about Azerbaijan?
2. What does she think about Azerbaijani people?
Martha Lawry is from the USA, She loves Azerbaijani music
. She can play the saz very well.
"I like Azerbaijani music
. It's great! I also love Azerbaijani people because they like sharing
in Azerbaijan, all people in the family can use all things at home: books, toys, cups... You
don't say these are "mine" or "yours". You say these are "ours".
But in the USA, each child has his/her toys, clothes and books. They say that is "mine", that
is "yours"
I know many families in the USA. They have signs on the doors. "Amy's room" or "Only for
Bob". But in Azerbaijan, children share rooms with their sisters and brothers.
Elephant seals, sometimes called sea elephants, make the same journey not once but…twice a year!
From…December to March, the seals go to the warm waters of California to have…their babies.
Then they travel to the cold waters of Alaska to find…food.
From…April to August, the seals go back to…California.....to lose their old…coat…and…grow a new one.
Elephant seals travel a long way — and get a lovely new coat too!
Слоны-тюлени, иногда их называют морские слоны, совершают одно и то же путешествие не один, а два раза в году. С декабря по март тюлени отправляются в тёплые воды Калифорнии, чтобы воспроизвести потомство. Потом они направляются в холодные воды Аляски в поисках пищи. С апреля по август тюлени возвращаются в Калифорнию, чтобы сменить старую шкуру на новую. Морские слоны совершают длительное путешествие и заодно приобретают новую шкуру.