Lake Svityaz is the largest and deepest lake of natural origin in Ukraine. Svityaz is something like the sea, in windy weather the waves here reach a height of one and a half meters…
The best natural tourist attraction of Volyn is Lake Svityaz, located near the village of Shatsk, the center of the district restored in 1993. It is a part of Shatsky lakes, a group of more than 30 lakes in the north-western part of Lyuboml district of Volyn region, in the interfluve of Pripyat and Western Bug. Shatsky lakes are located among forests, where many sanatoriums and recreation centers have been built. Svityaz is famous for its bream, perch, pike, catfish, but the real delicacy and local "highlight" is eel. They say: I haven't visited Svityaz if I haven't tasted local eels!
Первая идея Бенджамина Франклина об электричестве была опубликована в 1752.
2 A pencil was connected to an electric wire.
Карандаш был присоединён к электрическому проводу.
3 A lot of telegraph companies had been set up by 1861.
К 1861 году было основано(создано, открыто) много телеграфных компаний.
4 More and more money had to be raised to lay a cable at the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean.
Приходилось собирать всё больше и больше денег, чтобы проложить кабель по дну Атлантического океана.
5 Nowadays news and business information can be sent instantly to almost every part of the world.
В наши дни новости и деловая информация может быть отправлена незамедлительно практически в любую часть мира.