Диалог о футболе.
-Do you like sports? Ты любишь спорт?
-Yes, of course, I love football and biathlon, and you? Да, конечно, я очень люблю футбол и биатлон, а ты?
-I also like football Мне тоже нравится футбол
-Which team do you support? За какую команду ты болеешь?
-I am a fan of Spartak, this year they are not playing particularly well, but I think that all of them still ahead. За Спартак, они в этом году играют не особенно удачно, но я думаю, что всё у них ещё впереди.
-And I’m a fan of Real Madrid, my team plays very well this year. А я болельщик Реала, моя команда в этом году играет очень хорошо.
1. Her keys have been put by her in her pocket.
2. Who has this letter been written by?
3. Alex wasn't recognized by us.
4. We were given a completely false idea by Tom. Или A completely false idea was given to us by Tom.
5. Where have these flowers been bought by you?
6. A big party is being given by him. We are invited by him.
7. The cottage from this couple was rented by us last year.
8. The leading role is played by Paul Hogan in this film.
9. Dinner was being cooked by mother from two till three.
10. My book was borrowed by my younger sister without asking.
11. The redecoration of our house is being planned by us.
Listening не могу, так как аудио нет
I don’t mind playing football
I enjoy going to the cinema
I hate going shopping
I want to visit the theme park
I love eating out
I like going to the pool
I enjoy buying books