А Present SimpleHe goes to school every day.
B Past Simple_He went to school yesterday.
C Future Simple__He will go to school tomorrow.
D Present Progressive (для запланированных действий в будущем)He is going to school tomorrow.
E Present Progressive (для действий,которые происходят в определенный момент в настоящем)__He is going to school now.
F Past Progressive___He was going to school at that time yesterday.
G to be going toHe is going to go to school next month..
H Present PerfectHe has already gone to school.
The presenter laik
younger than other
chat shows but the quests were much
better, Usain Bolt
won the athletics again. He was so much
faster than the others.
Who's one of
the most successful
athletes in the world.
But the
funniest programme
the evening was a new sitcom called Best
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