Write, using the words above. Rob is a mountain climber. Last year, he went on an expedition to Mount Aconcagua
in the Andes. At first, the weather was sunny, But when Rob and his guides arrived at the
it began to snow and it was difficult to see. They started to go down the
mountain quickly, but there was lots of snow and ice. They were thirsty, but they couldn't
drink because their water was
I Luckily, they had some cooking
, so they used this to
the ice in a pan. But it was difficult for
Rob and the other men to breathe because there wasn't much
for help, and soon a helicopter arrived. The helicopter found their?
mountain thanks to Rob's mobile phone.
on the
1 Takumi (Japan)
2 Cheung (China), Aalia (Jordan), Takumi (Japan)
3 Cheung (China), Natasha (Russia)
4 Aalia (Jordan)
5 Thomas (England)
6 Natasha (Russia)
cultural traditions – customs (культурные традиции: обычаи)
policy – scheme (политика: план)
honour - good reputation (честь: хорошая репутация)
elders – seniors (старшие)
only child - no brothers or sisters (единственный ребенок: нет братьев или сестер)
dull – boring (скучный)
dropped - become less (стать меньше)
takes priority - is the most important thing (приоритет: самая важная часть)
stroll – walk (прогулка)
remain - continue to be (продолжить быть)
maternal - mother's (материнский)
hierarchy – ranking (вышестоящий)
concept – idea (концепция: идея)
support – help (поддержка
obey - comply with (подчиняться)
1 stepmother (мачеха)
2 sister-in-law (невестка)
3 niece (племянница)
4 half-brother (сводный брат)
5 father-in-law (тесть)
6 granddaughter (внучка)
7 great-grandmother (прабабушка)
8 ex-wife (бывшая жена)
9 widower (вдовец)
10 twin brother (брат-близнец)