1) Standards of subordinates
in the task must be set out beforehand
in order that the manager
may be held accountable to the performance for their efforts. The managers are also accountable to their superiors for .
2. The decisions as to how this system will be structured and a unifying resource
, and for what purposes, are made by . Managem operated
is, therefore, the best seen as , bringing to managers gether resources (people, materials, and money) machines
in order to achieve the objectives of the organization .
1) Стандарты подчиненных
в задаче должны быть установлены заранее,
для того, чтобы менеджер
могут быть привлечены к ответственности в деятельности по их усилия. Менеджеры также несут ответственность перед своим начальством .
2. Решения о том, как эта система будет структурирована и объединительная ресурсов
, и для каких целей, принимаются . Климат управлением
таким образом, лучше всего видно, как , привлечении к менеджеров совместно ресурсы (люди, материалы, и деньги) , машины
для того, чтобы достичь целей организации.
1. Standards of performance in the task must be set out beforehand in order that the manager may be held accountable to the subordinates for their efforts. The managers are also accountable to their superiors for the actions of their subordinates.
2. The decisions as to how this system will be structured and operated, and for what purposes, are made by managers. Management is, therefore, the best seen as a unifying resource, bringing together resources (people, materials,machines and money) in order to achieve the objectives of the organization .
1.Olympic Games or Olympics are leading international sporting events featuring summer and winter sports competitions ...that keep people strength , fit ,healthy and happened only once in 4 years .
2.His favorite sport is figure skating.
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