I would like to visit Japan. It is a mysterious and beautiful country with rich culture and history. The best season in Japan is spring when sakura blossoms. I want to visit this country because I want to see its sights. It will be: Tokyo Tower, National Museum of Nature and Science, Rainbow bridge and much more. A number of museums are located in Ueno Park. There is also a zoo in the park, and the park is a popular destination to view cherry blossoms. Also, I want to visit the most famous districts such as Ginza, Shibuya, Akihabara. Most of all I'd like to see Akihabara because you can find a lot of national cafés, cosplayers and anime fans there. Also, I would like to celebrate the New Year's Day in Japan. It is a very important event in life of the Japanese. So, Japan is my favourite country which I would like to visit.
1)Трудоустройство; 2)Обязательное наличие практики; 3)Если вуз сотрудничает с колледжем — вас могут сразу же зачислить на 3-4 курсы; 4)Подготовка к специфике обучения в вузе. Минусы обучения в колледже: 1)Есть вероятность остановиться на специальном образовании и так и не получить высшее; 2)При выборе вуза, не сотрудничающего с колледжем, учиться придется на 1 год дольше; 3)Отсутствие отсрочки от службы в армии на время последующего обучения в вузе; 4)Возможно, придется бороться со стереотипами и доказывать, что вы человек. Плюсы обучения в: 1)При наличии в ВУЗе военной кафедры — присвоение звания без прохождения службы; 2)С дипломом об окончании высшего учебного заведения, вы можете получить второе высшее, ученые степени или пройти обучения про программа бизнес-образования; Минусы обучения в университете: 1)Отсутствие трудовой практики; 2)Если вы разочаруетесь в выбранной профессии, переучиваться можно будет только платно.Finishing 9th grade, students are facing a choice: to continue to learn until the 11th or go to College? What is the best option that will open more opportunities for a successful career? Many people think that the answer is obvious - get the full school education, and then to go to College. But in fact, both options have their pros and cons. Pros College 1)Employment; 2)Obligatory practices; 3)If the University cooperates with the College - you can immediately enroll in 3-4 courses; 4)Preparation for the specifics of education. Cons of College: 1)Is the probability to stay in special education and never get higher; 2)When choosing a University, not cooperating with the College, to study will have 1 year longer; 3)No deferment from military service on subsequent learning in the University; 4)you May have to fight stereotypes and prove that you are a capable person. Advantages of training in: 1)in the presence of the University military Department - the title without going through the service; 2)diploma of higher educational institutions, you can get a second degree, degrees, or enjoy learning about the program of business education; Cons of teaching in the University: 1)Lack of labour practices; 2)If you are disappointed in their chosen profession, to learn can only be chargeable...
I would like to visit Japan. It is a mysterious and beautiful country with rich culture and history. The best season in Japan is spring when sakura blossoms. I want to visit this country because I want to see its sights. It will be: Tokyo Tower, National Museum of Nature and Science, Rainbow bridge and much more. A number of museums are located in Ueno Park. There is also a zoo in the park, and the park is a popular destination to view cherry blossoms. Also, I want to visit the most famous districts such as Ginza, Shibuya, Akihabara. Most of all I'd like to see Akihabara because you can find a lot of national cafés, cosplayers and anime fans there. Also, I would like to celebrate the New Year's Day in Japan. It is a very important event in life of the Japanese. So, Japan is my favourite country which I would like to visit.