1 are woken up
2 are told
3 is cooked
4 are asked
5 are taught
6 were taught
7 were taken
8 were shown
9 were explained?! (это неправильно, потому что глагол explain НЕЛЬЗЯ использовать в такой конструкции - смотрите пояснение ниже)
10 are usually made
11 will be predicted
Такие глаголы как explain (something to somebody — объяснять что-то кому-то), point out (указывать), announce (объявлять), dictate (диктовать), describe (описывать), mention (упоминать), repeat (повторять), suggest (предлагать), propose (предлагать) образуют только одну конструкцию в пассивном залоге:
The rule was explained to him. — Ему объяснили правило (правило было объяснено).
Но НЕЛЬЗЯ образовать такое предложение:
He was explained the rule.
1) When you take up the sport?2) Why do you prefer this kind of sport?And this text:Many are interested in one question. Is it good to be an only child?I think it is bad. I edenstvenny child. Our family has two children. I love my brother and I value them. I think if one child in a family, it can become selfish. He will get used to, that all goes to him and not have to share. This can badly affect on his future. If two or more children, toeto very well.So I think not only I, but many of my friends. All my friends have brothers or sisters. Sometimes they are jealous of their parents to siblings. This is often the cause of enmity. Others believe that the child in the family should be the one not to feel jealous.Each person chooses for himself, as he is better. I like having a big brother and sisters. This is very good!