My perfect room has so many things into. This things are different and very beauty.
Many things are yellow cause I so love this color! I think the room is soal of her own. So there is bad and it is comfortable for sleep. There is wardrobe too. And It is big and spacious. Cause I am girl. And girls need more space than boys. There are chairs. I hope I and my closer friend will meet and go to my room to tell the secrets after lessons in school. I would like to have a place where I can to run and hide. The place where is not other peoples with their opinions,where I can show my dreams and wishes for space that around me every day. So if I had a room ... I will make it my little sweet world.
Моя идеальная комната составлена из множества вещей. Все эти вещи разные и такие красивые. Многие из них желтого цвета это из-за того, что я очень его люблю! Я считаю что комната есть отражение внутренней сущности своего хозяина. Итак в моей комнате есть кровать очень удобная для сна. Есть также шкаф для одежды. Он большой и вместительный. Потому что я девочка. А девочкам нужно всегда больше места чем мальчикам. В комнате стоят кресла. Это потому что я надеюсь, когда-нибудь я и моя подруга встретимся после школьных занятий и пойдем ко мне, сядем на кресла и будем секретничать. Мне хотелось бы иметь то место, куда можно убежать и спрятаться ото всех. Место, где нет чужих мнений, где есть только я с моими мечтами и желаниями, которые могу воплотить в окружающей меня каждый день обстановке. В итоге если бы у меня была комната... я бы преввратила её в свой маленький милый мир.
Healthy way of life.
If you want to be healthy and wealthy, you must keep fit. You should eat only fresh vegetables and fruits. It's very good for your figure. Example, fish and meat calcium and iodine. It's good for bones. And strawberryies are good for eyes. You should eat more vitamins. There're lots of this in food, that you has eat. Like vitamins E, B, A, D and other.
At all, it is necessary there is not only eat good food but also have not a bad habits, like drinking or smoking. When you smoke, your breath is delay. When you are drink your liver is delay too. If you want to be health you must haven't bad habits.
Also, you should do sport. Sport can be well for different parts of the human body. Like, football is good for legs and tennis - for arms and belly. You can go to the fitness center too. In the fitness center, ussualy dance or run on the running truck as well. And do many others things.
At all, this is your choose to be healthy or to be always ill.
Lehta is a quiet village with beautiful nature. And also it is my favorite place to take a rest, where my soul relaxes. You can find a big glade and have a picnic. You can swim to the island by boat and spend time on the here. We live in a very old house, where plenty of old things are stored amusing me and my brother. The lake is so clean that you can take a mug, scoop water up and drink. When I was a child, my family and I used to go to this village, but now we live far away. I hope I'll come to this wonderful place again.