1 There is some lemonade in the bottle. В бутылке есть .немного лимонада.
2 She hasn't got many dresses. У нее немного платьев.
3 Who of them has translated many articles from Russian into English?- Кто из них перевел много статей с русского на английский?
4 How many foreign languages are you going to learn? Сколько иностранных языков вы собираетесь учить?
5 There are many entrants for one place in the university. В университете много абитуриентов на одно место.
6 We get many foreign magazines and newspapers every day. Каждый день мы получаем много иностранных журналов и газет.
7 Sorry, I haven’t got much time and I cannot speak to you so long. Извини у меня мало времени и я не могу долго разговаривать с вами.
9 There is much light in the room. В комнате много света.
10 You have invited many guests. Вы пригласили много гостей.
11 You will see him in a few days. Ты увидишь его через несколько дней.
12 You have got a lot of paper. Give me a little, please. У вас много бумаги. Дайте мне немного У вас сегодня много или мало работы?
14 There are many people in the shop on Saturday. В субботу в магазине много народа.
15 There were many visitors today in our place. У нас сегодня было много посетителей.
16 He didn’t earn much money and he couldn’t live in the city. Он зарабатывал не много денег и не мог жить в большом городе.
17 Mother had given me many orders but I could do only some of them. Мама дала мне много поручений, но я смог выполнить только несколько.
18 I have read many books about this question. Я прочел много книг по этому вопросу.
19 There are a lot of people in the park on Sundays. По воскресеньям в парке много народа.
20 Do you know many French words? Ты знаешь много французских слов?
21 There are a few children at school now, there are holidays now. Сейчас в школе мало детей, сейчас каникулы
1) In the bottle is. Little lemonade.
2) She is not a lot of dresses.
3) Who are translated many articles from Russian to English?
4) How many languages are you going to teach?
5) In many university students in one place.
6) Every day, we get a lot of foreign magazines and newspapers.
7) I'm sorry I have little time and I can not talk to you for a long time.
9) In the room plenty of light.
10) You have invited many guests.
11) You will see it in a few days.
12) You have a lot bumagi.Dayte me some please.
13) You have now a lot or a little work?
14) on Saturday in the store a lot of people.
15) Today we had a lot of visitors.
16) He has not earned a lot of money and could not live in a big city.
17) My mother gave me a lot of instructions, but I was able to perform only a few.
18) I have read many books on the subject.
19) On Sundays in the park full of people.
20) You know a lot of French words?
21) Who in the little school children, now holidays