I think that there are a lot of colorfull school's uniforms in Britain. I often look films about teenagers and their school life. I saw that they wear green uniform, black, brown and sometimes blue.
Основные блюда являются мясными. Среди них особое место занимает наиболее распространенное блюдо именуемое в казахском языке ет, что означает в переводе собственно мясо. Русские наименования блюда — мясо по-казахски, бешбармак (адаптация к казахскому языку — бесбармак). Также популярны куырдак (жареные кусочки печени, почек, легких, сердца, кишок и т. п. с картофелем), кеспе (лапша), сорпа (мясной бульон), ак-сорпа (молочный суп с мясом, или просто мясной суп с куртом), «сiрне» (приготовленная в казане жареная молодая баранина с луком и картофелем) и «палау» (плов по-казахски с большим количеством мяса), салма (суп из мясного бульона и теста от бесбармака или домашней лапши).The main dishes are meat. Among them, a special place is occupied by the most common dish, called in the Kazakh language, which means in translation the meat itself. Russian names of dishes - meat in Kazakh, beshbarmak (adaptation to the Kazakh language - besbarmak). Also popular are kuyrdak (fried pieces, kidneys, lungs, hearts, guts, etc. With potatoes), kespek (noodles), sorpa (meat broth), ak-sorpa (milk soup with meat, or simply meat soup with kurtom) , "Cirne" (cooked in a cauldron roasted young lamb with onions and potatoes) and "Palau" (pilaf in Kazakh with a lot of meat), salma (soup from meat broth and batter from besbarmak or homemade noodles).
Healthy life-style is really important nowadays.To be healthy you should eat healthy food like fruits and vegetables. And of course you should drink a lot. Water is life! And don't forget to do morning exercises! It gives you strength for a whole day. You should play sports, go jogging, play different games, and walk a lot. Any sport can help you to be healthy, fit and happy! Some people smoke and drink alcohol but it’s dangerous for a human organism. So to be healthy and fit it is important to eat useful food containing a lot of vitamins, be physically active and avoid stress!