1. Pass me some sugar, please: In this sentence, "some" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of sugar. The student is asking someone to hand over an unspecified quantity of sugar.
2. I haven't seen any of my classmates since last year: In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified number of classmates. The student is stating that they haven't seen any of their classmates during the period of time from last year until now.
3. Have you got any fresh bread? In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of fresh bread. The student is asking if the person has any fresh bread available.
4. Some wild animals are quite dangerous: In this sentence, "some" is used because it refers to an unspecified number of wild animals. The student is making a general statement that certain wild animals can be dangerous.
5. Are there any holes in your pockets? In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified number of holes. The student is asking if there are any holes present in the person's pockets.
6. Julie found some wrapping paper for Christmas presents: In this sentence, "some" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of wrapping paper. The student is stating that Julie found a certain amount of wrapping paper for Christmas presents.
7. Would you like any sauce? In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of sauce. The student is asking if the person would like to have sauce and is open to any amount or type of sauce.
На данной картинке изображены разные страны. Из предложения можно понять, что группа людей посетила одну из этих стран - Турцию - в этом летнем сезоне. В задании необходимо выбрать правильную страну, которую они посетили в этом летнем сезоне. Чтобы ответить на вопрос, нужно обратить внимание на изображения и их описание.
На картинке изображены следующие страны:
- Италия (Italy)
- Турция (Turkey)
- Франция (France)
- Испания (Spain)
Чтобы выбрать правильный ответ, нужно прочитать предложение и сравнить его с вышеперечисленными странами. В предложении упоминается, что группа людей посетила Турцию (Turkey) в этом летнем сезоне.
Таким образом, правильный ответ: 1). We visited... Turkey this summer.
2. I haven't seen any of my classmates since last year: In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified number of classmates. The student is stating that they haven't seen any of their classmates during the period of time from last year until now.
3. Have you got any fresh bread? In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of fresh bread. The student is asking if the person has any fresh bread available.
4. Some wild animals are quite dangerous: In this sentence, "some" is used because it refers to an unspecified number of wild animals. The student is making a general statement that certain wild animals can be dangerous.
5. Are there any holes in your pockets? In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified number of holes. The student is asking if there are any holes present in the person's pockets.
6. Julie found some wrapping paper for Christmas presents: In this sentence, "some" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of wrapping paper. The student is stating that Julie found a certain amount of wrapping paper for Christmas presents.
7. Would you like any sauce? In this sentence, "any" is used because it refers to an unspecified amount of sauce. The student is asking if the person would like to have sauce and is open to any amount or type of sauce.