1.fly-_flew__(irregular)_ 2.use-__used__(regular) 3.study-__studied___(regular)__ 4.eat-__ate_(irregular)___ 5.make-__made__(irregular)__ 6.travel-___travelled_(regular) 7.see-___saw_(irregular) WRITE THE PAST SIMPLE OF THE VERBS FROM PREVIOUS TASK 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. COMPLETE THE SENTENCES WITH THE PAST SIMPLE 1.I got up, had a shower and ate some fruit 2.Then I went to the sport centre 3.I swam 500 meters in the swimming pool and then 4.I ran 5 kilometers 5.At lunchtime I met my friends in a cafe. 6.We ate some pasta and drank some juice 7.After lunch I slept for a few hours,I was tired!
Dear friend, I was glad to get a letter from you. I hope you're well and I really happy for your brother. I think that people collect things for their joy. Maybe your brother is a creative person and he really like to collect mugs. You should help him. As for me, I'd like to collect a lot of thing. For example: stamps, postcards. I think collecting insects isn't less interesting than collecting another things. I live in Russia and one of the most popular teen's hobbies in my country is sport. Volleyball, football - teenagers can't live without any types of sport. Again thank you for your letter, hope to hear from you soon. Love, Твое имя.
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《 Храбрая сердце 》 ?
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