I live in the city of Taldykorgan. I live near the Magnum store. It is located in the modern building of the "Skif-Trade" Supermarket. There is a parking lot in front of the building. Now it is necessary to wear a mask there, and the temperature of the visitors is measured.
Various shops are located on the floors of the building. Here you can find clothing, footwear, baby products and sports stores. We love to visit the Three Samurai store. My mom really likes the mini-shops on one of the floors of the entertainment centre. There is always a variety of fresh products.
On the ground floor, there is a large supermarket where you can buy all kinds of groceries and some household goods. At the other end is a hardware store. The store sells everything from phones to the latest HDTVs.
There is a small food court in the middle of the shopping centre. Here you can taste national cuisine. There are cosy cafes there. Many people come here to meet their friends and talk over a cup of tea.
Children can visit the rides, and those who are older can go on an ice rink.
I love this mall.
Я живу в городе Талдыкорган. Я живу недалеко от магазина "Магнит". Он расположен в современном здании Супермаркета "Скиф-Трейд". Перед зданием есть парковка для автомобилей. Сейчас там необходимо носить маску, а посетителям меряют температуру.
На этажах здания расположены разные магазины. Здесь вы можете найти магазины одежды, обуви, детские товары и спортивные магазины. Мы любим посещать магазин "Три самурая". Моей маме очень нравятся мини магазины на одном из этажей развлекательного центра. Там всегда есть разные свежие продукты.
На первом этаже находится большой супермаркет, где можно купить всевозможные продукты и некоторые товары для дома. В другом конце находится магазин бытовой техники. В магазине можно купить все: от телефонов до новейших моделей HD-телевизоров.
Посреди ТЦ находится небольшой фудкорт. Здесь можно попробовать блюда национальной кухни. Там есть уютные кафе. Многие люди приходят сюда, чтобы встретиться со своими друзьями и поговорить за чашкой чая.
Дети могут посетить аттракционы, а те, кто постарше, покататься на ледовом катке.
Мне нравится этот торговый центр.
Відповідь:Hello, Dean! Hello! Tell me about London! Oh, there's so much, but it's so cool! Of course, you have heard about Big Ben, it is very beautiful if you look at it not in the picture, by the way, inside the beam only indigenous Anglish! Of course I'd like to see it inside. I've also seen a popular bridge called It was called Tower Bridge, it is so beautiful, especially in the evening! Oh, cool, I want to be in London, too. By the way, what did you feel then? Oh, it was beautiful, I felt admiration! why! Because when you're there, it's like you're in a fairy tale! When you're there, you know, okay, I'll tell you more tomorrow, I'm very tired (okay, until tomorrow Dean.
People didn't protect endagered species in the past.
The observation team came to analyze the scene.
Due to the steep slope and several natural treefall gaps, the vegetation was relatively open with a high coverage of herbs.
The police tried to track the location of the thief.
When we were at the sea, we saw a spectacular dawn.
A conservation project helped to prevent the degradation of the forest cover and the quantity of recharge.
During 1996, game wardens made three significant busts on poachers.
The math test had a really challenging exercise last week.