6. Read the spelling rules for the present continuous. Write the examples from the text in exercise 3 a.
Spelling rules: verb + -ing
Examples from the text
1) Most verbs: + -ing
watch + watching,
read → reading
2) Verbs ending in -e: e → -ing
make → making,
write → writing
3) Verbs ending in one vowel + one
consonant: double consonant +
put → putting, run → running
Are you having a dictation now? – No, we are doing Exercise 9. (to have; to do)
2.Дайте ответ на следующий вопрос в соответствующем завершенном времени.
Have they been in touch yet? – No, they haven't. I haven’t had any news. (to have)
3.Завершите предложение соответствующей формой инфинитива.
To design such a mechanism he has to know many things. (для того чтобы сконструировать; to design – конструировать)
4.Закончите предложение глаголами в простом или продолженном временах.
The computer broke down while I was sending e-mail. (to break down; to send)
5.Завершите предложение соответствующей формой причастия I.
Having informed people of the date of the conference we had to send them invitations. (сообщив; to inform - сообщать)
6.Завершите следующие предложения глаголами в настоящем или будущем продолженных временах.
What were you doing when the telephone rang? – I was playing computer games.