Hob went to the wedding of his old friend Tom
Bailey and Miss Helen Jones last week. He enjoyed
it very much. It was a good wedding with lots to
eat and drink. and there were some bright, lively
people there.
Tom is a lucky fellow. His wife is a very pretty
girl. young and gay and interesting, and clever too.
Oh yes, he is a lucky man! And it all happened
because of a cat.
The story was as follows.
Helen tied next house to Tom, and the young man
was soon head over heels in love with the girl. He
used to look at her over the garden wall: he talked
to her one day for a short time; he walked to the
station with her once or twice... And one evening.
one great evening ir: his life, he went to a Christmas
party and danced with her.
But Tom was not much of a talker, and when he
was with Helen. he seemed to have nothing to say.
He wanted to say such a lot. but the words just dried
up th the throat and he could never say anything.
Then one day he walked out into the garden and
saw Helen on the other side of the wall looking very
d unhappy and worried. Tom asked her. What's the
s matter?
Helen pointed to the tree, and Tom looked up. He
1.) saw Helen's cat high up on the tree. It couldn't get
down and was looking as unhappy as Helen was.
Tom went over the garden wall and climbed up the
a tree and carried the cat down safely. Helen was so
pleased to get her rat again that she put her arms
round Tom's neck and gave him a kiss.
That pleased Tam very much. That was certainly
what he liked. He wanted the cat to climb up the tree
every day. So that night he waited until it was dark
and then he climbed the tree. He carried a hammer
and nails, and a fish in his hand. He knew that cats
n Iked fish, so he nailed it to the tree. If the cat went
up the next day, he hoped to get some mong cheers.
Say Y the sentence is true or fales. Correct
et the false ones:
1. Hob didn't enjoy the wedding.
2. Tom was a lucky man.
3. Tom was head over heels in love with Helen.
4. Tom never danced with Helen.
5. Tom was fond of talking especially when he was
with Helen
6. One day when Tom walked out into the garden
he saw Helen looking happy.
7. When Tom looked up he saw a bird high up
in the tree.
January 1 is one of the most light and joyful holidays in the world, it’s New Year's Day. This year, I spent it in the village with my parents and my grandmother , who lives near Volgograd. I have many friends in this village, because I often go there for my holidays.
Our parents allowed us to celebrate New Year in one of our neighbors’ house. We set a great holiday table with traditional Russian dishes which were prepared by my grandmother and our girls, they prepared a lot of different things: goose with apples, salads and my grandmother's favorite hot pies.
I was Santa Claus during this holiday and I gave everybody the gifts that we had prepared for each other.
1 января-это один из самых светлых и радостный праздников в мире, это Новый год. В этом году я провел его в деревне с моими родителями и моей бабушкой , которая живет недалеко от Волгограда. У меня много друзей в этой деревне, потому что я часто езжу туда на каникулы.
Наши родители позволили нам встретить Новый год в доме одного из наших соседей. Мы накрыли большой праздничный стол с традиционными русскими блюдами, которые готовили мои бабушка и наши девушки, они приготовили много разных вещей: гусь с яблоками, салаты и любимые горячие пирожки моей бабушки.
Я был Дедом Морозом в этот праздник, и я дарил всем подарки, которые мы приготовили друг для друга.