1.Read the task. Underline the key words and answer the questions.
You have had a class discussion about 'designer
babies'. Your teacher has asked you to write an
opinion essay answering the question 'Should we
i create designer babies (120-180 words).
1 What are you going to write?
2 Who is going to read it?
3 What is going to be about
4 How many words should you write?
5 What style should you write in?
6 What is your opinion on the topic? Give reasons.
2. We walked into the room finding all our friends there.
3. Looking for my keys, I found a pair of glasses having been lost for months.
4. While doind the shopping, she was talking on her mobile phone.
5. Waiting for my train, I was reading a newspaper.
6. The man, looking at you, wants to introduce himself.
7. Being very proud, Sally will never accept your money.
8. Conimg from another town, Andrew hasn't got money friends yet.