найти ответы 1. In the English language there are phonemes.
2. From the articulatory point of view every speech sound is a complex of definite movements and positions of .
3. Vocal cords form the mechanism.
4. English consonants are classified according to principles.
5. The English system of consonants is represented by phonemes.
6. The English system of vowels is represented by phonemes.
7. During the pronunciation of a the tongue and the lips do not change their position throughout the whole duration of the vowel within one and the same syllable and the vowel tamber remains the same.
8. According to the of articulation English vowels are divided into monophthongs, diphthongs and diphthongoids.
9. The function of the resonator mechanism is .
10. British literary pronunciation is called .
11. American literary pronunciation is called .
12. assimilation is divided into complete and partial.
13. Assimilation the result of which can be traced on the diachronic level is called .
14. The result of adaptation of one sound to another during the articulatory work is called .
15. The type of assimilation affecting the manner of noise production when the soft palate is lowered and the air quickly goes through the nasal cavity with a plosion formation is called .
16. A slight puff of breath which is heard after the explosion of plosives /p, t, k/ in the initial position followed by an accented vowel is called .
17. The weakening of a sound due to a decrease in the tenseness of the speech organs resulting in the loss of some essential characteristics by the sound is called .
18. The major role in the system of the unstressed vocalism of the English language belongs to .
19. The peculiarity of the Russian unstressed vocalism in comparison with the English unstressed vocalism is that .
20. A letter or a letter combination representing a phoneme or a sequence of phonemes in writing is called .
21. Representation of sounds of one language by the letters or letter combinations of some other language is called .
22. in the words “dark, pork” indicates .
23. A linguist, who defined the phoneme the smallest language unit that exists in the speech of all the members of a given language community as such speech sounds which are capable of distinguishing one word from another word of the same language or one grammatical form of a word from another grammatical form of the same word, was .
24. Qualitative variants or members of one and the same phoneme, which never occur in identical positions, but are said to be in complementary distribution, are called .
25. allophones appear in speech as a result of assimilation or adaptation or other specific ways of joining sounds together.
1. Дизайнерская компания была организована У. Моррисом. 2. Дверь была заперта ею. 3. Эта работа не будет закончена нами завтра. 4. Границы между высокими и низкими формами искусства отвергаются постмодернизмом. 5. Оркестром управлял наш учитель музыки.