ответ:1. Mother does her shopping in the morning on Saturdays. 2. We go to school every day. 3. He can't talk to you. He is talking on the phone at the moment. 4. They never go to work on Sundays. They stay at home. 5. We can't go out. It is raining now. 6. She usually walks her dog but today her mother is walking the dog. 7. We eat breakfast in the morning. 8. Father and Mother watch TV in the evening. 9. He rarely eats sweets. He doesn't like them very much. 10. He likes sports. He often plays tennis.
Moscow Is The Capital of Our Country Москва — столица нашей родины
Every country has its main city — the capital. Usually it’s the biggest and the most economically and culturally developed city. That’s where government is located.
Moscow has been the capital of Russia for more than 300 years and it was founded by Yuri Dolgoruki in 1147. This city is definitely just like I described it above.
В каждой стране есть главный город — столица. Он обычно самый большой и развитый как в экономическом, так и в культурном плане. И именно здесь сосредоточены органы управления государством.
Столицей России вот уже более 300 лет является Москва, основанная Юрием Долгоруким в 1147 году. И этот город точно соответствует приведенному выше описанию.попробуй это
1 smarter
2 worst
3 wettest
4 better
5 powerfullest
6 funnier
7 older