Сериал Альф/ALF 2 сезон онлайн
Удивительный и забавный Альф появился на свет больше двухсот лет назад на необычной планете, большую часть населения, которой составляли мужчины. Имя ему дали в честь бабули, потрясающей женщины, которая могла разрубить зубами блок древесины. Гордон - "очень привлекательный мужчина" ростом 91 см, с тремя пальцами на лапах, четырьмя на ногах и четырьмя зубами. Жители планеты Мелмак живут примерно 650 лет, их внутренние органы очень оригинальны: в организме каждого мелмакианца находится 7 желудков. а сердце находится в ухе. Шестьдесят три года Гордон проучился в колледже, где изучал абсолютно несовместимые предметы - программное обеспечение, искусство, спортивную ходьбу и стоматологию. В один из дней его рождения на планете прогремел взрыв, Гордону удалось , на своем звездолете он врезался в гараж Теннеров, которые дали ему новое имя - Альф.
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review of the film ''kalevala"
i wanted to see this movie. and watches it with pleasure. i did not the prodictions and i like the film very much.
in the film: the main character falls in love with a girl, but she is kidnapped by an evil sorceress. the main character and the blacksmith rush to her aid.
visiting this evil heroine, the main character and the blacksmith fulfill her wishes, one of which was to make a sampo. then they all return home safely together. but the main character wants to take sampo, so that sampo would work for good people. an evil sorceress kills him, but he survives thanks to his mother. in the end, he stole the sampo. but the witch stole the sun. and they had to return it.
i was surprised how the main character's mother went through the whole sea. and the water was at the level of her shin. i liked the wedding in the old customs.
i really liked the film's art and music design, costumes, special effects, and acting. for those times, although for our years it was great.
of course, i would advise all my friends to watch this movie. if i have the opportunity, i will definitely read this book.
1) last night there were no clouds in the sky
2) they called you in the morning
3) have you had many guests?
4) i have no money left yesterday
5) we didn’t have mobile phones when we were little
6) did your brother have a computer when he was in school? -no
7) anna broke her mother's favorite vase
8) they had lunch and then went to the movies
9) someone opened the door a minute ago
10) i found your keys yesterday
11) last tuesday, jane and i were swimming in the pool
12) the other day we drove out of town. we pitched a tent on the riverbank, sunbathing and swimming
13) last saturday i met my friends
14) did you walk the dog at noon?
15) what did you do last sunday?
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