1) I'm looking for Tommy Flynn. Have you seen him?
2) You often don't see her now, do you?
3) You are you joking Philip? - No, Father, I'm not joking.
4) "Are you staying in London?" she asked as I was going. "I wonder if you'd like to come to a little party I give next week"
5) How's Jon? - He grows peaches in North Caroline
6) I am certain to know all about it when I get his letter
7) Why are you wearing your new clothes, those in which you are to travel tomorrow?
8) Why, my dear boy, how stout you get!
9) On his way he generally meets many children who are going to school
10) Will they tell me who he is if I go down to them?
11) I act in this case solely in your interest
12) The old saying came back to him: "A man's fate is lying in his own heart"
13) His dog always attacks strangers!
For his daughter he has always been an example of a person who gave all his life to sport.
Её отец всегда был ( и есть) примером человека, посвятившего всю свою жизнь ( осталось в спорту. Здесь перфектная основа. А "хвост" предложения закрывается Пастом. He( has) always been ... Who gave- главный члены .
She began to do figure skating at the age of five but had to end her career of a skater when she was 18 because of a trauma.
Она начала заниматься фигурным катанием в возрасте 5 лет , но вынуждена была закончить (карьеру) из-за травмы в возрасте 18 лет.
Основа паст симпл. (She began.. she had to end ) главные члены. Т.е. всё строго осталось в
A year later she started training young athletes.
Годом позже, начала тренировать молодых спортсменов.
Тоже паст. She started training - главные члены.
A lot of her students have become really famous like Irina Rodnina or Alexei Yagudin.
Много её учеников добились большой славы, такие как Роднина и Ягудин.
Это перфект. Факт произошедшего, с выходом на настоящее. Роднина и Ягудин, досих пор известны. Students( have) become - главные члены.
London is Britain's capital city
The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.The population is 8.982 million in 2019.London is traditionally divided into several parts: the City, Westminster, the West End and the East End.
The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business centre. Westminster is the official part of aristocratic London. It includes Buckingham Palace, seat of the Queen and Houses of Parliament.
The West End is the most beautiful part of London. The best hotels, restaurants, shops, clubs, parks and houses are all situated there.
London has many attractions. One of them is Parliament House, seat of British government. There you can also see the famous Big Ben tower clock, a symbol of London. Big Ben is a real bell that strikes every quarter hour. Another attraction is Buckingham Palace. This is the residence of the Queen. There are many other interesting places in London: Trafalgar Square, Regent's Park, Westminster Abbey and of course the British Museum.
Лондон из Британс капитал сити.
Зе сити ис вери олд анд бьютифул
Ит вос фоундэйтэд море зен ту таусент йерс аго. Зе популэйшен ис ейти найн ейти ту милион ин ту таузанд эйтин. Лондон ис драдишиналли дивайдет инто северал партс: зе Сити, Вестминистер, зе вест енд анд зе Ист энд.
Зе сити ис зе олдест парт оф Лондон итс финансиал энд бизнес сентер.
Вейнминимтр ис зе оффисиал парт оф аристократистик лондон. Ит инклудес Бакинхэм пэлас, сит оф зе куин энд хаусес оф парламент.
Зе вест енд ис зе мост бьютифул парт оф Лондон. Зе бест хотелс, рестраунс, шопс, клубс, паркс энд хаусес аре ол ситуатед зере.
Лондон хэс мэни аттракшионс. Уан оф зэм ис парламент хаус, сит оф Бритиш говермент, ай лайк то сак биг кок, ай хейт алл блэк. Биг кок ис э рил бэлл зэт пенитратес май эйнал. Ю кэн саки саки май биг блэк кок