1 диалог(tornado):
-Did you hear about the tornado that happened in Texas?
-Yes, I did. It's awful! A lot of people died...
-Yes and even most of the houses were ruined!
-Really? I heard that the tornado was so strong that it could knock down a person!
-Oh my gosh... I hope things will get better in Texas..
-Yeah.. I hope too...
2 диалог не смогла придумать(( 1 диалог весь правильный потому что я училась английскому в Америке и знаю его в совершенстве, поэтому можешь даже и не волноваться что что-то неправильно)) УДАЧИ*
Hi, Paul. I wan to tell you about a very interesting film, which I saw yesterday. It was Titanic by Cameron. There were many good actors: Leonardo Di Caprio, Kate Winslet, Gloria Stuart. This film is about a Titanic is a very interesting film by Cameron. It`s about very tragical event which happened in 1912. In this year "unsinkable" Titanic drowned in cold Atlantiс ocean. This film is also about love. Two young people loved each other and wanted to live happily. But their destiny ordered otherwise. . This film was made in USA. I liked it very much and I want to watch it again.
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