4 Listen to a dialogue between a doctor and a
patient. Who says these phrases? What is the
problem? What should the patient do?
What are the symptoms?
You can also take this to get your temperature down.
What seems to be the problem?
I think you should stay in bed for a couple of days.
one?Do people eat dogs?Oh, oh! They're not really does, silly!Here you are. Try one! I love hot dogs. Yum!(уан)?(ду) (ˈпипл) (ит) (догз)?(оу), (оу)! (зеэ) (нот) (ˈриэли) (даз), (ˈсили)!(хиэ) (ю) (а). (трай) (уан)! (ай) (лав) (хот) (догз). (ям)!