4. Choose the correct item. 1) You ... to go on a diet - you're already nice and slim!
a) shouldn't b) don't need
2) I could ... you some money, but I hadn't been paid yet.
a) lend b) have lent
3) ... I pick you up from work?
a) Shall b) Must
4) Which service do you require? a) Coastguard, please. b) Please, hold the line.
5) Stay on the line, please. I'll put you through.
a) Thank you. b) Yes, you're right.
6) There is nothing that would lead ... this.
a) for b) to
7) Keep the bottle cool and protect it ... sunlight.
a) from b) of
8) A noisy motorway has ... village life.
a) damaged b) ruined
9) If you ... this hole, it becomes too big to fix.
a) large b) enlarge
10) You see, it has to ... .
a)widen b) wide
1) Yes, but not so much.
Вообще, перевод зависит от контекста, но в данном случае можно перевести во так.
2) Yes, I will be happy to hear about it.
Буквальный перевод - "Да, я буду рада послушать об этом" (можно еще в конце английского предложения добавить "from you", мол, буру рада услышать об этом от тебя). Опять же, для точного перевода нужен контекст. На всякий случай напишу буквальный перевод этого предложения, который тоже можно использовать:
"Yes, I will be happy to listen you".
3) I heard about football, rugby, table tennis, badminton and rowing.
4) And do you have your own team in UK?
5) Why?
6) Tell me about rugby.
7) Rugby is very similar to football.
Думаю, здесь речь идет об американском футболе, так что вместо привычного нам "soccer" я пишу "(American) football"
8) It's very interesting to listen you, but I have to go now. Until the next time!