ЗА «ЛАЛЩВАЛЬ» БУДЕТ БАН! Даны ещё пять латинских слов на -us:
conceptus ‘накопление’,
foedus ‘союз’,
intellectus ‘восприятие’,
locus ‘место’,
triumphus ‘победное шествие’.
Одно из этих пяти слов — слово среднего рода III склонения, а остальные — мужского рода II или IV склонения.
2. The festival is held in our city every year.
3. was the lecture attended by all students yesterday?
4. A taxi hasn't been called yet.
5. The room must be aired every day.
6. The cake has already been eaten by the children.
7. Will the essays be handed tomorrow?
8. The show was perfomed at five o'clock yesterday.
9. Have the suitcases been brought to the hotel room yet?
10. When was this university founded?
11. Whose car is being repaired now?
12. What pizza has just been ordered?
13. The message wasn't received yesterday.
14.This invitation should be accepted.
15.What questions will be discussed tomorrow?