. Who's who in education Match the people (1-15) on the left with a definition (a-o) from the right. Write your answers in the boxes at the top of the next page.
1 apprentice
2 caretaker
3 expert
4 governor
5 graduate
6 headteacher
7 lecturer
8 principal
9 pupil
10 scholar
11 staff
12 student
13 tutor
14 undergraduate
15 vice-chancellor
a A person (usually a child) who attends a school.
b Astudent who has completed a first degree course at a university or college.
c Either a teacher at a university who teaches small groups of students or someone who privately teaches one pupil or a small group of pupils, often at home.
d A person who teaches at a college or uni versity.
e A young person who works for a number of years with someone-usually for low wages - in order to learn their skills, e.g. a hair dresser.
f The person in charge of a university. g A person who studies an academic subject,
e.g. Greek, and knows a lot about it.
h A person who is very skilled at doing some thing or who knows a lot about a subject.
i All the people who work at a school, college
or university.
j A person who is a member of the commit tee which controls a school.
k A student at a college or university who is studying for his or her first degree.
1 The person in charge of a school or college.
m The person in charge of a school.
n The person who looks after a school and is responsible for repairs, cleaning, etc.
o A person who is studying at a college or
1. Think about your _safety rules_.
2. Follow_some special rules.
3. First, ask your ..parents' permission_ before you go trick or treating.
4. You shouldn't trick or treat alone_.
5. Don't go _late in the evening without_ your parents' permission.
6. Be very _careful_ of strangers.
7. You shouldn't go into a house with a stranger_.
8. Sometimes these people are not good. They can frighten or hurt_ you.
9. Your parents should _taste or have a look at_ your cookies before you eat them.
1. Подумайте о своих правилах безопасности.
2. Следуйте специальным правилам.
3. Во-первых, спросите разрешения ваших родителей, прежде, чем идти собирать гостинцы.
4. Вы не должны идти в одиночку.
5. Не ходите _поздно вечером без_ разрешения родителей.
6. Очень _остерегайтесь_ незнакомцев.
7. Вы не должены заходить в дом с незнакомцем!
8. Иногда эти людей могут быть не очень хорошими. Они могут напугать вас или причинить боль.
9. Ваши родители должны _попробовать или посмотреть на ваши гостинцы, прежде, чем вы съедите их.