Look at some healthy habits pictures and brainstorm your ideas. Healthy Habits DAILY COUNTDOWN z 8.9 710 Thousand sleps of sloep of water Minutes of meditation Servings of fruits & Veggies 6 4 36 29 1970 Breaks stretching & mental Meals & 3 healthy snades Hours of no phone before bod Session of exercise Write an essay about healthy habits following the plan: - Write down healthy habits you know. - Write down healthy habits you have or would like to have and why. - Write and how healthy habits can improve your life (health, appearance, feelings). - Give your own opinion why healthy habits are important in a human life. Write an essay of between 120 and 150 words in an appropriate style. Use basic linking words for connecting the paragraphs. Use comparative and superlative adjectives structures.
1. Had I/I hadn’t already cleaned the room by six o’clock on Sunday? 2. Have I/I haven’t already translated the text? 3. Had she/she hadn’t left by the 1st of June? 4. Had she/she hadn’t 5. Had the train/the train hadn’t already gone when she came to the station 6. Had she/she hadn’t just made coffee when I arrived 7. I had/ had I read the book by Saturday 8. Did she thanked/she didn’t thanked me for what I had done for her 9. Did he took/he didn’t took me to the kitchen and asked if a had breakfast 10. Did she knew/ she didn’t knew I had spoken to her father 11. Had I been/ I hadn’t been there for half an hour when he came Возможно, что-то неправильно, а возможно и нет)
2 yes i ate some unusual dishes once, it was black caviar. For me it was strange because it didn’t taste like red caviar, but i liked the taste and maybe i will eat it again. 3 I don’t think so, i wish i would be more brave for trying some new food, because i’m so terrified if something doesn’t look familiar and i’m already can be afraid about the taste 4 My favorite dish is cheese soup that my mom makes me. I like it because it’s always so cheesy and when i eat it, it feels like home. And this soup is special for me because even when i eat it in some restaurant it doesn’t taste the same.
первое сделать не могу так как не знаю о каких блюдах идёт речь, если напишешь то )