READING Task 1. Read the letter
16th January
Dear Samantha,
How are you? I'm here in Switzerland with my family. We're all having a great time. It's very cold here. It's snowing
right now!
Every morning, I wake up, get dressed and go to the hotel restaurant to eat breakfast. Then, we go skiing in the
Swiss mountains. At one o'clock, we go back to the hotel for lunch.
In the afternoons, my parents usually go out for coffee. My sister and I prefer to walk around the city and explore
the different shops, museums or restaurants. Right now, I'm sitting in a café drinking a delicious hot chocolate!
Well, that's all for now. I'm going shopping in a bit so I can buy some more souvenirs. See you in a few days.
Mark the statements T (true), F (false).
1. It's raining in Switzerland.
2. Tanya usually has breakfast in the hotel restaurant.
3. Samantha and her sister prefer to explore the different shops, museums or restaurants,
4. They are going sunbathing in a bit.
5. Tanya is sitting in a café drinking a delicious hot chocolate.
biscuit ready - 3 cakes
cream thick - 2 cups and whipped - 250 grams
milk - 1/2 Cup
powdered sugar - 2 teaspoons
vanilla sugar - 1/2 tsp
cream oil - 200 grams
food colour - a pinch
Method of preparation
Cream chilled, whip the cream until the formation of fluffy foam. Still whisking, pour the milk, add the vanilla sugar and powdered sugar, mix well.
Sponge cakes will proselyte cooked cream. The top and sides of cake to cover with whipped cream. to make the hearts of oil cream, podkrashennym food dyes, and whipped cream.
Рецепт для "торт моей любимой"
бисквит готовый - 3 коржа
сливки густые - 2 стакана и взбитые - 250 грамм
молоко - 1/2 стакана
сахарная пудра - 2 ч. ложки
ванильный сахар - 1/2 чайные ложки
крем масляный - 200 грамм
краситель пищевой - на кончике ножа
Для крема охлажденные сливки взбить до образования пышной пены. Не прекращая взбивания, влить молоко, добавить ванильный сахар и сахарную пудру, перемешать.
Бисквитные коржи прослоите приготовленным кремом. Верх и бока торта покрыть взбитыми сливками. оформить сердечками из масляного крема, подкрашенным пищевыми красителями, и взбитыми сливками.