English : Dolphins-aquatic mammals of the suborder toothed whales. Dolphins, like all cetaceans, breathe air periodically floated to the surface. Feed mainly on fish and squid, although some prefer the shrimp and other crustaceans, and killer whales also eat sea turtles, aquatic mammals and birds. The majority of dolphins, males are larger than females and in some species are distinguished from them by higher dorsal fin. Known individuals under the age of 50 years, although in most species the maximum life expectancy of 20-25 years. Перевод на русский : Дельфины-водные млекопитающие подотряда зубаcтых китов. Дельфины, как все китообразные, дышат воздухом, периодически всплывать на поверхность. Питаются в основном рыбой и кальмарами, хотя некоторые предпочитают креветок и других ракообразных, а косатки поедают также морских черепах, водных млекопитающих и птиц. У большинства дельфинов самцы крупнее самок и у некоторых видов отличаются от них более высоким спинным плавником. Известны особи в возрасте до 50 лет, хотя у большинства видов максимальная продолжительность жизни 20-25 лет.
On the territory where now stands the new york, long before the arrival of europeans lived indian tribes манахаттоу and canarsie. this confirms the findings of arrowheads and other artifacts in areas of the city, not built-up buildings, for example, инвуд hill park and riverside park. european settlements appeared here in 1624. in 1625 on the southern tip of manhattan was founded dutch settlement of new amsterdam method. nieuw amsterdam). in 1664, the city was captured by the british, not встретившими resistance by the governor stuyvesant, after which the town was renamed new york (eng. new york, in honour of the initiator of the capture - the duke of york. according to the results of the second anglo-dutch war in 1667, the dutch formally handed new york to england in exchange for the colony of suriname. in the beginning of the war for the independence of the modern territory of the city was the scene of important battles. as a result of the brooklyn battle in brooklyn started a big fire that destroyed most of the town. new york came under british control until the american people again took in 1783. this day is called the day of the evacuation, subsequently celebrated in new york for many years. broadway, around 1840 during the nineteenth century the population of the city grew rapidly thanks to the influx of a large number of immigrants. in 1811, was developed visionary master plan of the city, on which the street network has been expanded to encompass all of manhattan. by 1835 new york overtook population philadelphia, becoming the largest city of the united states. during the civil war, the strong trade relations with the south, and its growing immigrant populations led to a split between supporters of the union and supporters of confederation, which reached a climax in riots due to the appeal of the largest civil unrest in american history. after the war, the rate of immigration from europe grew even stronger, and new york has become the first stop for millions of people arriving in the united states in search of a new and better life. in 1859, in the article «population, crime and пауперизм», published in the american newspaper «new york daily tribune, karl marx wrote: there must be something rotten at the core of such a social system that increases their wealth, but does not reduce poverty, and in which the crime rate is growing even faster than population.
Перевод на русский : Дельфины-водные млекопитающие подотряда зубаcтых китов. Дельфины, как все китообразные, дышат воздухом, периодически всплывать на поверхность. Питаются в основном рыбой и кальмарами, хотя некоторые предпочитают креветок и других ракообразных, а косатки поедают также морских черепах, водных млекопитающих и птиц. У большинства дельфинов самцы крупнее самок и у некоторых видов отличаются от них более высоким спинным плавником. Известны особи в возрасте до 50 лет, хотя у большинства видов максимальная продолжительность жизни 20-25 лет.