Everyone has heard of Bill Gates. He is one of the richest and most successful people in the world. He was born in America in 1955. He was the youngest and the most famous businessman at the age of 31.
He has got a gray wild hair. Also, he has got grey eyes. He is very slim and well built.
One reason for his success is that Gates has always been very ambitious and hardworking. For such a rich person, his life is simple, and he spends little on himself and his family. He often gives his money for different charity.
At school Bill liked Maths and Science. After finishing school, Bill wrote program for the Altair. He invented the Microsoft company. If he has got free time he likes puzzles, golf and reading about science.
I admire this person.
Mom is the first word in the life of every child. After all, she gives the baby a gentle touch, wipes rolling tears from her cheeks, gives her smile. And no matter how many mistakes you make, mother will always be there to protect you from all obstacles encountered on the thorny path.
Although I am not a famous person, I can be justly proud of my mother. After all, it was she who educated me the way I am now. It was she who sat near the crib when I burst into tears. She endured all my mood swings. No matter how many quarrels between us, my heart always aches at the thought that I hurt my mother.
How can I repay the care she has rendered? She would answer: "no way," and laughed softly. And I will always quietly admire her, because mom is my little hero who can handle any problem.
Если по воскресеньям погода хорошая, я всегда хожу на прогулку в парк.
2 I often visit Martin when I go to London.
Я часто навещаю Мартина, когда еду в Лондон.
3 If you read in bed, you will ruin your eyes.
Если ты будешь читать в постели, ты испортишь глаза.
4 Tell him everything if he asks.
Расскажи ему всё, если он спросит.
5 When he rings me up, do not tell him that I am here.
Когда он звонит мне, не говорите ему, что я здесь.