1. She accused him of canceling a trip to Bali. 2. The train arrives at 7.30 at Kazan station, so we need to arrive 10 minutes early. 3. I apologize for your delay. The traffic jams are awful today! 4. I'm angry with John for being so irresponsible. In this it is simply impossible to believe! 5. He is accused of theft, it is necessary to conduct an investigation. 6. He believes in me, I can not let him down. 7. She is brilliant in the sales department. It is necessary to take her to this position. 8. I was not aware of this issue. I'm waiting for your reports by Thursday. 9. I'm afraid I can not handle these duties. 10. He absolutely does not communicate with colleagues. I do not know how he plans to work here. 11. I am ashamed that I did not prepare a report. 12. I was amazed at how Maria communicated with the administration.
Найдите в тексте и выпишите эквиваленты следующих слов и словосочетаний: согласовывать тарифы – to agree tariffs создавать тарифы - to construct tariffs регистрировать тарифы - to file tariffs координировать тарифы – to co-ordinate tariffs контролировать тарифы – to monitor tariffs тарифная ставка – tariff rate многосторонний - multilateral влиять на политику в тарифной отрасли – to influence policy regarding tariffs тарифы на регулярные перевозки - scheduled tariffs тарифы на нерегулярные перевозки - non-scheduled tariffs членство - membership достигать совместных позиций – to reach joint positions региональные организации ГА - regional groupings ИЛИ regional bodies собрание предваряющее конференцию – a meeting prior to a conference .
Переведите письменно абзацы 2 и 3. 2. Единственным механизмом проведения переговоров, который используется во всем мире, является система конференц-связи по коотдинации тарифов Международной ассоциации воздушного транспорта (IATA), при которой был разработан ряд принципов и процедур для согласования, создания и регистрации тарифов. 3 Кроме IATA, ряд региональных авиакомпаний участвуют в координации тарифов своих авиалиний. Все они координируют свои тарифы с тарифами IATA в той или иной степени, а в некоторых случаях они проводят региональное собрание до конференции ИАТА для того, чтобы их авиалинии могли достичь совместных позиций для разработки (обсуждения) на форуме IATA.
Составьте 5 вопросов к абзацам 4 и 5 и выпишите их 1. Are there any formal carrier mechanisms for negotiating non-scheduled tariffs? 2. Who(m) are prices generally proposed by? 3. Who plays a role in influencing government policy regarding non-scheduled tariffs. 4. Do international associations of non-scheduled carriers play a role in influencing government policy regarding non-scheduled tariffs, don't they? 5. What are intergovernmental air transport organizations and regional civil aviation organizations, engaged in?
Дайте письменные ответы на вопросы. 1. What have airlines established to facilitate and co-ordinate tariff negotiations? – To facilitate and co-ordinate tariff negotiations, various associations of airlines have established multilateral mechanisms. 2. What is the worldwide tariff co-ordinating mechanism? – The worldwide negotiating mechanism is the tariff coordinating conference system of the International Air Transport Association.
2. The train arrives at 7.30 at Kazan station, so we need to arrive 10 minutes early.
3. I apologize for your delay. The traffic jams are awful today!
4. I'm angry with John for being so irresponsible. In this it is simply impossible to believe!
5. He is accused of theft, it is necessary to conduct an investigation.
6. He believes in me, I can not let him down.
7. She is brilliant in the sales department. It is necessary to take her to this position.
8. I was not aware of this issue. I'm waiting for your reports by Thursday.
9. I'm afraid I can not handle these duties.
10. He absolutely does not communicate with colleagues. I do not know how he plans to work here.
11. I am ashamed that I did not prepare a report.
12. I was amazed at how Maria communicated with the administration.