1. The purpose of my project - to tell about my dream to visit Edinburgh. 2. Edinburgh is the capital of Scotland. 3. Scotland is the country in the United Kingdom in the north of England4. The name of the city has come from the britsky name of fortress Din Eidyn — that is Eydin's Fortress — which was on lands of the ancient britsky kingdom Gododin.5. I want to visit Edinburgh because there it is possible to see many beautiful places. 6. Such as airport Ternhaus, Park Holyrood, monement Walter Scott, Climbing Arena.7. "The old city" and "the New City" are considered as one of the most interesting districts of the city.8.The Old Town lies beetween the Castle hangs over the city like and Holyrood Palace.9. Prinses Street the most beautiful street of the new city.10. With her it is connected about a name of the famous writer Walter Scott. 11. Prinses Street is between "The new city" and "The old city".12. One of the main sights of the city is the Royal Mile — series of the medieval streets and the deadlocks adjoining to them passing to the Holyrood Palace13. Edinburgh — the main transport hub and the center of railway communication of the West central Scotland.14. The bus — the main passenger transport of Edinburgh. 15. Festivals and holidays take place in Edinburgh all the year round. 16. Festive and festival relay begins with the Scottish New Year's holiday Hogmanay17.glavnym a festival event of year is the International festival of arts in Edinburgh.18. This action is included in the Guinness Book of Records as the biggest and considerable festival of arts in the world.19. Also the International book festival which becomes more and more popular is held in Edinburgh. 20. Edinburgh — one of the regions of Great Britain which are most prospering economically.21. The most developed sector of economy of Edinburgh is a services sector, namely tourism, banking, education and development of high technologies.22. The population of Edinburgh gradually increases, mainly due to inflow of emigrants from other countries 23. I think everyone has to visit this remarkable city.
Являясь самым высоким сооружением в мире, Эйфелева башня вероятно самая узнаваемая достопримечательность в Европе и самый известный символ Парижа.
Невозможно побывать в Париже, не посетив Эйфелеву башню.
Даже если Вы не хотите посетить это всемирно известное сооружение, Вы увидите ее вершину с любой точки Парижа. Высота башни составляет 300 метров. Когда в конце 19 века ее строительство было закончено, она была в два раза выше, чем Монумент Вашингтона, в то время самого высокого сооружения в мире.
Мировая выставка 1889 года
Эйфелева башня была построена для Мировой выставки в 1889 году, состоявшейся в рамках празднования Великой французской революции 1789 года.
Конструкция изначально задумывалась как временное сооружение специально для выставки, но она стоит до сих пор, несмотря на все протесты художников той эпохи, боявшихся, что сооружение спровоцирует строительство других подобных сооружений с отсутствующей индивидуальностью и несмотря на многих людей, боявшихся, что такой громадный объект не впишется в общую архитектуру Парижа.
Сегодня, среди парижан больше нету такой антипатии в башне и никто больше не может представить Париж без Эйфелевой башни. В действительности, она стала символом Города света.
Густав Эйфель
Человек, ответственный за появление Эйфелевой башни был Густав Эйфель, известный своими революционными методами постройки мостов, используемых во время работы над виадуком Гараби.
Эти методы были положены в основу строительства Эйфелевой башни.
Он был также известен за создание железной рамки для Статуи свободы.
Сознание этой конструкции заняло более двух лет.
Каждый из около 12 тысяч железных фрагментов был создан отдельно, для придания именно той формы, которая была нужна.
Все фрагменты были собраны вручную и затем соединены с друг другом с порядка 7 миллионов гвоздей.
После открытия 31 марта, 1889 года, Эйфелева башня должна была быть самым высоким сооружением в мире, до завершения строительства Крайслер-билдинг в 1930.
Being the tallest building in the world, the Eiffel tower is probably the most recognizable landmark in Europe and the most famous symbol of Paris.
You cannot visit Paris without visiting the Eiffel tower.
Even if You don't want to visit this world-famous building, You will see its top from any point of Paris. The height of the tower is 300 meters. When in the late 19th century, its construction was completed, it was two times higher than the Washington Monument, at the time of the tallest buildings in the world.
World exhibition of 1889
The Eiffel tower was built for the World exhibition in 1889, held in celebration of the French revolution of 1789.
The design was originally conceived as a temporary structure specifically for the exhibition, but it still stands today, despite all the protests artists of the era, fearing that the construction will provoke the construction of other similar constructions with missing individuality and despite many people feared that such a huge object does not fit into the overall architecture of Paris.
Today, among the Parisians no longer such antipathy in the tower and no one can imagine Paris without the Eiffel tower. In fact, it has become a symbol of the city of light.
Gustave Eiffel
The person responsible for the appearance of the Eiffel tower was Gustave Eiffel, famous for its revolutionary methods of construction of bridges used during the work on the viaduct Garabi.
These methods were the basis for the construction of the Eiffel tower.
He was also known for creating the iron frame for the statue of liberty.
The consciousness of this design took more than two years.
Each of about 12 thousand iron fragments was created separately, to give it the form that was needed.
All fragments were collected manually and then connected with each other by means of the order of 7 million nails.
After opening on March 31, 1889, the Eiffel tower was supposed to be the tallest building in the world until the completion of the construction of the Chrysler building in 1930.
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