Sala Silvermine Hostel, Швеция In the mines, near the small town of Sala, you can find the deepest underground hotel in the world, which is more than 150 meters below the ground. перевод:В шахтах, близ маленького городка Сала, можно найти самый глубокий подземный отель в мире, который находится более чем в 150 метрах под землей. The hotel, similar to the copy of Moria from "The Lord of the Rings", offers its guests rooms in the most minimalist style that one can imagine. перевод:отель, похожий на Копи Мории из "Властелина колец", предлагает своим гостям номера в самом минималистической стиле, который можно себе представить. Also, here you can visit the tour of the underground mines, which are built rooms. Mine Lux provides guests with the best rooms with free wine and cheeses, but here we see a minimal amount of furniture, each room has only one bed and two armchairs. перевод:Также, здесь можно посетить экскурсию по подземным рудникам, в которых строятся номера. Шахта Люкс обеспечивает гостей наилучшими комнатами с бесплатным вином и сырами, однако и здесь мы видим минимальное количество мебели, в каждом номере только одна кровать и два кресла.
Actually, I'm writing about the same topic in school right now. Personally, I feel that doping should not be allowed in sports -- the use of performance enhancing drugs is cheating, plain and simple. Here is a quote that I'm using in my paper... As the WADA Athlete’s Guide states, “The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, the body and the mind. Doping is contrary to the spirit of sport, erodes public confidence and jeopardizes the health and well being of athletes” Hope this helps you a bit. If you need more research information, just let me know and I'll be glad to provide some links, etc. Good luck with your essay!
Is the girl talking a photo?
She isnt't talking a photo
She is surfing
Are they swimming?
They arent't swimming.
They are riding a boat
Is the girl playing with the ball?
She isn't playing with the ball.
She is cathing another girl
Is the girl sleeping?
She isn't sleeping
She is playing a soccer.
Is the girl playing with the duck?
She isn't playing with the a duck.
She is playing with the boy.
Is the boy sunbathing
He isn't sunbathong
He is playing with racquetball