Practise the conversation with your partner. the photos below and the useful language. Work with a partner. Prepare a conversation like the one in Exercise 4 Situation 1 You are going camping with some friends. Your friend Kevin has a phobia of spiders. He goes walking a lot, and loves sport.
2. He could obtain divorce last year. ( У глагола can - эквивалент -глагол to be able to: изменяем его на was able to)
3. Tim may come home very late last night. (may = эквивалент - to be allowed to;меняем глагол may на эквивалент is allowed to, так как подлежащее в предложении стоит в 3лице, ед. числа)
4. He could not go to the concert 2 days ago. (to be able to меняем на форму времени в единственном числе - wasn't able to)