During the past decades vising festivals has become a popular activity. Some people are fascinated by them while others think that it is a waste of time.
A lot of people attend festivals to feel the atmosphere of a holiday, to listen to music perfomances, to enjoy comedy or other forms of entertainment. Also, you can see like-minded people there and make new friends.
However, we cannot ignore the fact that it is not always possible to provide safety to visitors. You can suffer from thieves and have your things stolen or even be assaulted.
To sum up, festivals can be a good way to spend your leisure time as long as you are careful and watchful.
1 When did your engineer return to Moscow? -He returned to Moscow three days ago. 2. Who went to Leningrad last week? - Comrade Zotov. 3. Boris read the fourth sentence very well. 4. Comrade Petrov went to the blackboard, wrote a sentence, read it and returned to his desk. 5. What exercise did you do at home yesterday? Exercise Twentieth. 6 Talk about this with Comrade Zotov, he came from Leningrad yesterday. 7. How did your students speak English last year? 8. When did your sister come to Moscow? - Three years ago.9. What did you do in class yesterday? We read the texts and did the exercises, spoke English with our teacher and translated the sentences from Russian into English. 10 When did you receive this email? Yesterday morning.