1. She usually goes to her office at 8.30.
2. I visited my granny last week.
3. Look! It is raining heavily.
4. When I left home the sun shone.
5. He had lunch at school yesterday.
6. I hadn't done my music lesson yet.
7. She has been working since 5 o’clock.
8. He has a great influence on me.
9. They always buy all the necessary things themselves.
10. Apples are grown on the trees.
11. English is spoken all over the world.
12. The flowers will be bought in the evening.
13. We will go on a show, if we get tickets.
14. If I go to bed late, I’ll see the sunset.
15. He is the best tennis player in our school.
16. It is the most dangerous route.
17. I don’t like pizza. So do I.
18. I bought two icecreams. So did Peter.
19. John asked Peter to go away.
21. The play performing yesterday was a great
22. The man was talking to Tim is my brother.
23. I don’t want her answering my questions.
24. Mum always lets me go where I want to.
25. I heard John playing the violin.
26. I like reading books about art.
27. My Mum had finished cooking by that time.
28. She said that Madrid is the capital of Spain.
29. John wrote they have reached Alaska.
30. They voted for this law.
31. Judging by her words he is a rude person.
32. I am flying to Spain at 11 o’clock on Friday.
Цього літа я провів літні канікули максимально продуктивно і корисно. Я не просто цілими днями сидів за комп’ютером, телевізором, ходив просто на вулицю. Я допомагав своїм батькам по дому. Просив їх дати мені завдання і виконував його старанно.
В середині літа я провів літні канікули за містом у бабусі і дідуся. У них я всіляко намагався їм до по дому, городу, господарству. Годував собаку, кота, курей. Намагався вести себе добре і не псувати дідуся з бабусею настрій. Вони мною були задоволені і намагалися мені у всьому догодити. Питали, що мені купити і робили мені подарунки.
В кінці літа я провів літні канікули в таборі в лісі біля озера. Мені там дуже сподобалося.Думаю, що навчальний рік буде цікавим, і я його теж постараюся провести корисно для себе і оточуючих мене людей.
"Essay how I spent my summer vacation"
This summer I spent summer vacation in the most productive and useful. I didn't just spend days sitting at a computer, a TV, went on the streets. I helped my parents around the house. Asked them to give me a task and executes it diligently.
In the middle of the summer I spent summer vacation in the countryside at grandma and grandpas. I have tried to help them around the house, the garden, the farm. Feed the dog, cat, chickens. Tried to behave well and not to spoil the grandparents mood. They were happy with me and I tried to please. Asked me what to buy and gave me a gift.
At the end of the summer I spent summer vacation in a camp in the woods near the lake. I liked it very much.I think that school year will be interesting, and I too will be useful for yourself and the people around me.