VVV and swimming The first Alien-Human Olympic Games were a big success. Tom and Sam had a wonderful time on the planet. They got back into the spacecraft and blasted off. It took them eight hours to get home. Circle 6 sentences relevant to the text. There are 3 EXTRA sentences. 1. Tom and Sam went swimming. 2. The spacecraft was strange. 3. They flew to Mercury. 4. Tom and Sam took part in Alien Olympics. 5. Tom and Sam won medals. 6. They got presents. 7. The time on the planet was fun. 8. They flew back home. 9. They got bome in 8 hours. [6] Writing Task 3. Write 4 sentences about Bob the astronaut's daily routine. Put punctuation marks. Use questions and adverbs sometimes, ofien, always, never. 1. What does Bob always have to do in the morning? 2. What does be sometimes do in the afternoon and at night? 3. What does Bob often like to do in space? 4. What can be never eat in space? You may use the words: do exercises, make an experiment, fix things go on a spacewalk, watch the planets; talk to a friend, sometimes, often, always, never, well, badly, slowly, quickdy. Example: Question: - What does doesn't Bob do in the moming? Answer: - Bob dever does his moming exercises badly.
1. They make me clean my room, walk with my pet and wash the dishes after family dinner
2. I really enjoy watching football matches (можно написать для мальчика)/ figure skating competitions or show (для девочки)
3. I usually ask for help my mom.
4. I wold like some sport activities, but I don’t know what exactly can be better for me. / если у ребёнка есть уже спортивное занятие вы можете написать следующее I already have it , it is …. ( вместо троеточие названия этой спортивной активности)
5. Yes , they do, especially on holidays.
6. I don’t know, but what I can say for sure, it’s should be interesting and not monotonous work
1. On our way home she kept (on) asking him a lot of questions about his journey. По пути домой она, не переставая, задавала ему множество вопросов о его путешествии. 2. All through dinner they kept (on) talking about the experiment. Весь обед они, не переставая, говорили об эксперименте. 3. The headmaster's wife keeps (on) inviting me to dinner. Жена директора постоянно приглашает меня на обед. 4. As he drove about the town he kept (on) watching the traffic lights. Проезжая по городу, он всю дорогу следил за светофорами. 5. He stood at the doors of the theatre and kept (on) looking at his watch now and then. Он стоял в дверях театра и постоянно посматривал на часы. 6. She kept (on) smiling while reading the book. Он, не переставая, улыбалась, читая книгу.
перевод предложения из примера: Он постоянно меня перебивал, когда я рассказывал историю.
1. They make me clean my room, walk with my pet and wash the dishes after family dinner
2. I really enjoy watching football matches (можно написать для мальчика)/ figure skating competitions or show (для девочки)
3. I usually ask for help my mom.
4. I wold like some sport activities, but I don’t know what exactly can be better for me. / если у ребёнка есть уже спортивное занятие вы можете написать следующее I already have it , it is …. ( вместо троеточие названия этой спортивной активности)
5. Yes , they do, especially on holidays.
6. I don’t know, but what I can say for sure, it’s should be interesting and not monotonous work