Mike likes to go to the park with his Father. The Father likes to play hockey or ski. One day Mike and his Father want to go to the park. Let*s go for a walk to the park, Father says. Suddenly they see a big black dog. The dog sees the boy and begins to bark. Mike is afraid of the dog. Don*t be afraid of the dog says Father.
Майк любит ходить в парк со Своим Отцом. Отец любит играть в хоккей и кататься на лыжах. Однажды Майк и его отец захотели пойти в парк. Давай пойдем погуляем в парке, папа говорит. Вдруг они видят, большую черную собаку.Собака видит мальчика и начинает лаять. Майк боится собаку. Не бойся собаки, говорит отец.
I would like to present to you the "Connect-A-Time". This is a machine that allows you to travel back in time. It looks like a time machine but the result is diferent. The diference between a time machine and the "Connect-A-Time" is the fact that with a time machine you can go back as a diferent person see yourself as a human ad change the cource of history just by being there and not doing anything. If you take the "Connect-A-Time" - you will be transported back in time in your own body. You are able to feel the emotions you were through before and maybe even do somethings diferently. It would depend on the time to go back to.
Now I would like to explaine the reason for such a machine. I have heard many people say that they would like to go back to a certain time of their life and re-live it. Now change it but be able to go through the same motions and emotions. For instance, I would like to go a few summers back and re-live the time I spent with my friends again.
Правило to be.
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