Слова some и any переводятся на русский как «несколько», когда мы говорим об исчисляемых именах существительных во множественном числе, и «немного», когда говорим о неисчисляемых. Оба слова могут использоваться со всеми существительными. Разница между этими словами в том, что some обычно используется в утвердительных предложениях, а any — в отрицательных и вопросительных.
There are some books in my library. — В моей библиотеке несколько книг.
Is there any sugar in the box? — В коробке есть немного сахара?
There are some books in my library. — В моей библиотеке несколько книг.
Is there any sugar in the box? — В коробке есть немного сахара?
SOME — несколько, немного, некоторые, какой-то
ANY- несколько, немного, некоторые, какой-то, любой
NO – нет, никакой, нисколько
EVERY – каждый
There is an old saying, "You are what you eat" and in fashion this consists also as, "You are what you wear." Clothing is often an expression of spirit and character, so there is nothing wrong with finding a look that suits you. Everyone is an individual and your clothes can help you to express your innermost thoughts, your kindliness and your good feelings toward yourself. Fashion can mean many different things to different people but above all fashion is a leeway to ones character.
According to Tiwa Savage (2011) in the article, "Fashion is an extension to ones character," she states, "To me whatever you put on reflects your mood, and if I am feeling glamorous I wear something that is glamorous, when I am feeling more relaxed I put on things that make me feel relaxed; so basically fashion is an expression of your person (p.1)." Your personal mark is the one that really counts and can make a difference by connecting two strongly related worlds that apparently seem totally incompatibles: our inner world and our exterior image. Every texture, color and other artificial shape becomes a way of emphasizing different personality aspects.