We all know well that intelligence, attention, memory, you can train and develop. We regularly attend gyms, are engaged in fitness, improving your body. But who of us think about how to develop our brains, to train their abilities?
How to develop the abilities of the brain
To develop the ability of your brain simple enough, if you heed the following advice:
Regularly listen to classical music or start learning to play musical instruments. As the results of scientific research, people regularly listening to classical music better memory, higher IQ and more vocabulary than those people who prefer the modern stage. Scientists call this phenomenon the «Mozart Effect».
Bright light. As you may seem strange, but the long stay in the light and airy and improves logical abilities of man. It is best if the room is illuminated by sunlight or imitating him with electric lamps.
Proper nutrition. To improve the abilities of the brain should consume foods rich флавонидами, not only improving the logical ability of the individual, but also protect the brain from degenerative processes. Флавонидами rich black currant, blueberry, chocolate, blueberry, red wine and green tea.
Regular exercise. Regular exercise can help improve the blood circulation in the brain, enhance metabolic processes in it.
Some people dream about how to develop brain 100%. Unfortunately, it is not possible. As evidence shows, people can make the most use no more than 10% of their mind abilities. But to improve the logical and abstract thinking, memory, develop creative abilities is quite possible, appropriate training hemispheres of the brain.
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