Out duties at home.
As I have a big flat I think my duty is to help my parentswith housekeeping.Usually girls heip their mother and boys help their fathers. I think we all should help our parents. It`s our first duty.
We have three rooms in our flat: a living room, a kitchen,a bathroom and two bedrooms. Our kitchen is rather big. Our rooms are light and clean.
My parents are very busy.I help my mother to clean dust rooms.My father help us too.He cooked dinner when my mother was busy.We clean our flat every Saturday.
I want to have a very clean room because it`s very pleasant to live in tidy, comfortable place.
Bank of America, New York.
This is probably one of the greenest buildings in the world. The 54-storey building was built to use natural daylight for as long as possible. It also has solar panels, rainwater collectors, and materials for the construction of the building itself are made from recycled waste from New York.
Bank of America, Нью-Йорк.
Это, вероятно, одно из самых "зеленых" зданий в мире. 54-этажное здание было построено таким образом, чтобы использовать естественный дневной свет как можно дольше. Так же здесь установлены панели солнечных батарей, сборники дождевой воды, а материалы для конструкции самого здания сделаны из переработанных отходов Нью-Йорка