основатели казахского ханства. ушли от власти хана и создали собственное государство. для начала имев небольшую территорию, которую называли козыбасы. керей является старшим братом т.к. из рода чингизидов, в дальнейшем становится верховным ханом, жаныбек младший брат, так же советник керея. своей стратегией и политике они образовали крупное государство. после смерти хана, в государстве началась битва за власть. керей и жаныбек воспользовались ослаблением госуд. и захватили власть. забрав земли себе(будущий казасхтан)
The sun in a clear sky rises everything above, becomes hotter. Hum of the bees who are busy turned around the smelling sweet plants is audible. Rejoice to fine flowers and carefree butterflies, cheerfully flitting from one small stalk on another.
It is few wind, and the stiffened wood still carefully stores a morning cool, but the heat all is stronger and even becomes stuffy here. Somewhere among trees ringing murmur of a fast stream is audible. Its cool water cheerfully plays bright patches of light from sunshine. Even in such hot summer day here, near water, it is cool and fresh. Somewhere nearby, in a low grass the wild strawberry hid. Its small red berries exhale fine aroma.
In the afternoon became absolutely hot, but here in the sky clouds began to appear, the strong wind blew – the thunder-storm comes nearer. Rushes all become stronger than a wind, and clouds already hid the sun. Sharply became cold. The first large drops fell to the ground, noise of the coming nearer heavy rain is already audible. The lightning, and here, at last, sparkled the rain rushed. Its powerful streams ruthlessly beat on foliage and a grass. Lightnings sparkle, the thunder rattles, heavy rain everything proceeds. Water doesn't manage to be absorbed to the earth, forming huge pools.
But here heavy rain gradually abates. The thunder-storm left, but echoes of a thunder are still audible. Air became fresh and some lung – it became easier to breathe. The rain ended, and because of clouds the sun looked out. All live started after a rain again, having washed from summer heat. Day in the wood came back to the habitual course.
However day approaches end. Toilers of a bee hide in beehives. Flowers close the buds, preparing for night. Everything gradually calms down. Summer day passed.