1. What do living things include?
Living things include many kinds of organisms, from the plants, animals and people to bacteria and other tiny creatures.
2. Cаn we say that we know all the plants and animals that live on our planet?
No, we can't. People discover new species every year.
3. In what way are plants and animals different?
They get their food differently; most animals can move about and hide and most plants can't do that.
4. Why is it not always true?
There are exceptions: some plants can catch and "eat" insects and there are plants that can "travel".
5.The text says that some plants are small and some are very big. Is that true about animals? Can you give examples?
It is also true about animals. The examples of the biggest and smallest animals are whales (киты) and hummingbirds (колибри).
6.Why can't we live without plants and animals? In what ways do we use them?
We need plants as food and they "breathe in" carbon dioxide and "breathe out" oxygen. And we need animals as a source of food, for making clothes, transport, helpers and scientific research.
7.Why is oxygen that plants "breathe out" so important for people?
It is important for people because it supports life.