норман гортсби сидел на скамейке, спрятанной за кустами в гайд-парке. норман сказал, что ты не в хорошем настроении. настроение.тут его собеседник рассказал , которая случилась с ним.что он приехал в лондон и поселился в отеле, поел в отеле, отправил письмо моим людям, дал им адрес, а затем вышел, чтобы купить кусок мыла и у меня в кармане две гроши, и мне некуда идти на ночь. одит
норман тоже собрался.
- подумал норман и вернулся в парк. когда он проходил мимо скамейки, он увидел старого джентльмена, который что-то искал.
«вы что-нибудь потеряли, сэр? » - спросил норман.
«да, сэр, кусок мыла».
молодой человек снова его и быстро ушел.
автор кусочек мыла (по х. мунро)
на :
he was a philosopher, he liked to watch people. a young, well-dressed man sat next to him, he was sad and here his interlocutor told the story that happened to him. what he came to london and settled in the hotel and drink at the bar, and then i realized that i didn’t remember the name of the hotel, or the name of the street and in my pocket twopence. "the young man later realized that he had also lost a piece of soap. odita
norman also got ready but saw the same bag with a piece at the bench.
he caught up with the soap and lent him one pound. norman thought, and went back to the park. gentleman looking for something.
“have you lost anything, sir? ” norman asked.
“yes, sir, a piece of soap”.
the young man thanked him again and went away.
posted by a piece of soap (after h. munro)
Dear Trevor,
Thank you for your Letter about Martin. He is a very nice person. I wish I could meet him.
I’d like to tell you about my best friend. His name is Dasha. She is 13 years old. She is a very beautiful girl. She is short and slim. She has big blue eyes and long straight fair hair. She likes wearing wonderful dresses and skirts. I’ve known her since my childhood. She is friendly, polite and funny. And she is a very easy-going person. We can chat for hours. I like her very much.
Do you and Martin often go to the cinema together? What is your favourite sport?
Write to me soon,
2. If they're going to Greece in April, I won't be able to join them.
3. If you don't spend time in the sun, you won't get a suntan.
4. Will they come round tomorrow if I phone and invite them?
5. If you don't turn off the TV, I'll break it!
6. Will she eat out with me if I ask her to?
7. Kate will enjoy herself at the party if Max comes too.
8. I'll have to stay in if my mother wants me to help her about the house.
9. Listen, if you go to the cinema tonight, will you take my sister with you?
10. If I go to Moscow on the spring holidays, I'll try to get in as much entertainment as I can!