1. National news - национальные новости
daily horoscope - ежедневный гороскоп
advertisement - реклама
fashion advice - модные советы, советы по стилю
interview - интервью, собеседование
magazine - журнал
documentaries - документальные фильмы
Don’t buy this dress, it doesn’ t go together with shoes.
She finished watching news and went on doing home task.
The alarm system will go up if the burglar break into your house.
When I drive a car I always listen to radio.
When my children grow up I want to be proud of them
2. He was learning this nursery rhyme for ages, but eventually he learned it by heart.
Where have you been?! I was so worried about you!
I like to read ‘Time’ newspaper, there are always interesting articles, my brother is interested in cartoon strips.
She follows all the beauty advice that’s why she is very attractive.
This is my favourite radio station, there is always the latest music and chart hits.
3. The detective asked, ‘What are you doing at the time of the robbery?’
He was cooking when the lights went out.
He was sleeping while Ann was drawing a picture.
She was washing the dishes when one of the plates fell down and broke to pieces.
Tom was in a hurry, so he ate quickly, packed his things and left the room.
When he heard that noise he was watching the local news.
4. My mother is very inquisitive, she likes to read gossips about celebrities.
Yesterday at 7 p.m I was watching a soap opera on the channel.
He received an award for his work on pollution.
There's a rumor that major will attend today's ceremony.
What a great news!
1. I won't go to speak to her until she apologizes.
2. Martin asked me if I would help him with English.
3. We will have driven over five hundred kilometers by the time we reach the border.
4. You will be sick if you eat more chocolate.
5. Look out! We are going to hit the car in front.
6. Don’t phone too early because I will be putting the baby to bed.
7. By the time I qualify I will have studied law for six years.
8. He was not quite sure when his parents came home.
9. Bob didn’t know if the time-table for the next week would be changed.
10. By the time you get back, all the food will have gone.
11. You won't be able to enter the building if you don't have your identity card.