invitations are special for a variety of reasons. for one, they are a reflection of the sender’s perception of the invitee. invitations betray subtle hints that one person is important to the frame work of an event, function or appointment. and while most people may insist on tagging certain events as ‘invite-only’, which event isn’t? who really wants to attend a function to which they have not been invited?
so, invitations are great – but what do you do when you receive an invitation?
there are a number of responses that you may have to an invitation – and quite frankly, it is good discretion that allows you decide what events to attend and which not to – but regardless of whether your response is positive or negative, it is only common courtesy to respond.
in the event that you agree to the invitation or a request, it is necessary to show your decision with enthusiasm. one of the best ways to do this is to simply create and send a letter that states that you accept. the act of replying says great things about your character.
the best part about a letter to accept an invitation is perhaps the fact that it is much easier than the decision to say ‘yes’.
Первое задание:
1. The text is easy enough for the student.
2. I have enough apples for everyone.
3. I bought so many books.
4. The hotel is too uncomfortable to stay here.
5. The weather is good enough to stay at home.
6. Have they come yet?
7. The road is wide enough for two cars.
8. They ran so fast.
9. Today is such a beautiful day.
10. I have such a delicious tea.
Второе задание:
shapeless, wideness, strongly, growing, beautiful, treeness, dictation, writing, unfriendly, unhealthy, childness, darkness, feely, lovely, caring.
Третье задание:
1. Every two months.
2. Of course. I do it too often.
3. Usuallt it is 38 degrees.
4. I fell tired. I don't want to do anything.
Четвёртое задание:
1. What Are Your Medical and Surgical Histories?
2. What Prescription and Non-Prescription Medications Do You Take?
3. What Allergies Do You Have?
4. What Is Your Smoking, Alcohol, and Illicit Drug Use History?
5. Have You Served in the Armed Forces?
Пятое задание:
1. Eat a variety of foods.
2. Base your diet on plenty of foods rich in carbohydrates.
3. Replace saturated with unsaturated fat.
4. Enjoy plenty of fruits and vegetables.
5. Reduce salt and sugar intake.