Choose the correct prepositions to complete the sentences
What medicine has the doctor prescribed
your sore throat?
Smoking and taking drugs are dangerous
people's health.
The weight
the box was about three pounds, less than one kilogram and a half.
Rebecca has been studying medicine
four years.
I would like to cure you
your bad cough. First of all you should give
Larry is slowly recovering
his bad cold.
I am not sure I like Paul very much. He always walks
his nose
the air.
Chris is taking this medicine
his earache.
Well, what's
the menu?
Don't eat too much pizza. You will put
the way, pizza is low
Phil says he has a strong pain
his right side.
Some pupils stay
all night before their exams, which is a harmful habit
their health.
Doctors usually recommend their patients to stay
fat food.
Pete is coming
with a cold.
Our football team brought the opponents
their knees.
Little Rick is really a pain
the neck.
Jerome Jerome - Three in a boat (not counting dogs)
Three friends: George, Harris and Jay (short for Jerome) plan to take a pleasure boat ride up the Thames. They intend to have excellent fun, take a break from London with its unhealthy climate and merge with nature. The author threaded the thread of the narrative of a journey along the river like beads, everyday episodes, jokes, funny adventures and finally safely arrived in London, where an excellent dinner in a restaurant reconciles them with life, and they raise their glasses for their wise last act.