№1. Прочитайте текст и отметьте, какие утверждения после него соответствуют содержанию (Т), какие — нет (F), а о чём в тексте не упоминается (NS). What Do You Think of Television
Television is an important kind of mass media for me. I spend a lot of time before the TV screen and usually watch different programmes: sports programmes, the news, quiz shows. On the other hand, there are some programmes, which are not exactly to my liking. I rarely watch those that are shown in the morning. They are usually about health problems, markets, property bought and sold. I don’t like shows about cooking either. I’m more interested in eating food than in cooking it. Besides those who cook always say that the result is perfect, but there are no real experts in the studio to prove it. So how can you be sure that the dish is tasty?
I would like to say that there are some similar programmes on British and Russian TV. In Russia you can also watch some advertisements bought abroad. Then there are quiz shows like “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”. In fact, they are practically the same. And it is not surprising Britain sells such programmes to foreign TV companies. It’s possible to watch such shows in America and Australia too.
1. Sports programmes are the narrator’s favourite.
2. The narrator is not fond of programmes that discuss medical problems.
3. The narrator is not certain that dishes cooked during TV shows are really delicious.
4. Some British and Russian television shows are identical.
5. All advertisements on the Russian TV screen are created in Russia.
6. People in America and Australia are fond of the show “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?”.
№2. Впишите в предложения глаголы get, break, look, turn в соответствующих формах.
1. I think that with time Tom will over his fear of dogs.
2. The girl was very much upset and into tears.
3. If you say that Diana and Rose don’t along, you say nothing. They hate each other.
4. Cinderella’s godmother white mice into horses and a turnip into a carriage.
5. Unfortunately we couldn’t drive further as our car down.
6. Can you help me to for my specs? I can’t find them anywhere.
7. John had a headache and couldn’t watch TV. He it off.
8. I after your pet while you’re away. Don’t you worry.
№3. Используя суффиксы -ful, -tion, -en, -ive, -ment и приставки ir-, in-, en-, образуйте производные от слов из правой колонки и впишите их в предложения.
№4. Впишите соответствующие служебные слова в предложения.
at, in, for, from, of, on, out, to
1. Taking part in this project is a real challenge everybody.
2. I’m sure William doesn’t know the answer the riddle.
3. The teacher explained that each pupil should read the text loud.
4. The mountain climbers are extreme danger because of the coming storm.
5. The teenagers were guilty telling a lie.
6. I’ll try to prevent my friends visiting night clubs.
7. This answer could be right, the other hand, I’m not absolutely sure.
8. Computers give us new opportunities work and home.
№5. Впишите в предложения артикли а/ап, the там, где это необходимо.
1. People began to explore space many centuries ago.
2. aim of this project is to help patients of our hospital.
3. A fox is common animal in many parts of world.
4. Don’t cry, be man.
5. I’m not going to make apology for what I said. It was fair comment.
6. In Europe Greeks were first to use ___umbrellas as protection against rain.
7. They did it at cost of their lives.
8. Renaissance is the period in Europe from about 1400 to about 1600.
когда-то был быстрый заяц и медленная черепаха. заяц всегда смеялся над черепахой, потому что он был таким медленным. все животные устали слушать зайца. затем однажды черепаха удивила их всех: «давай завтра гонку! » на следующий день, когда они начали гонку, заяц прыгнул вперед. скоро
он был далеко впереди черепахи. это был солнечный день, и заяц был жарким, там дерево. я могу отдохнуть под ним! `несколько часов спустя черепаха прошла мимо спящего зайца внезапно заяц открыл глаза и огляделся. он увидел черепаху на финише! черепаха была победителем! в этот день заяц усвоил
урок: продолжайте идти и не останавливайтесь, пока не пересечете финишную черту!