My school usually offers baseball, basketball and football. Each pupil can choose what does he want and during the whole year do something he likes. I think school competitions are important to everyone, because there you can show what can personaly you achieve, protect your school and win cub or medal. Team work is also very important in such competitions and that will help you to work in future.
Последний напиши лично про себя и если надо я переведу, потому что на подобные соревнования я не хожу, а про танцевальные возможно тебе не подойдет
1. He does not have a car. But he has a computer. The computer is new.
2. His friends have a cat and a dog. The dog never bites the cat.
3. This is a tree. The tree is green.
4. I see three boys. The boys play.
5. I have a bicycle. The bike is black. My friend does not have a bicycle.
6. Our room is big.
7. Yesterday we wrote a dictation. The dictation was long.
8. He has two daughters and one son. She is a critical student.
9. Last year I gave my mother a bracelet on her birthday. She liked the bracelet.
10. My friend has no dogs.
11. This pencil breaks. Give me this pencil, please.
12. He has no ball. The ball is big.
13. Yesterday I received a letter from my friend. The letter was interesting.
14. When they were in Geneva, they stayed in a hotel. Sometimes they ate at the hotel, and sometimes at the restaurant.
15. I have an idea.
16. What a surprise! The parents gave us a Christmas DVD player.