I will be asked. Will i be asked? I will not asked. 2) You will be invited. Will you be invited? You will not invited. 3) We will be instructed. Will we be instructed? We will not instructed.
Bad robber from germany was given one year suspended after the judges felt sorry for him. court told how mark n. waited outside the bank for the free hours, trying to get over their nerves. then he ran to the bank with a woolen hat on his face. unfortunately, he could not see anything. he took off his hat to the security camera and demanded money from the cashier. he held a cigarette lighter in the shape of a pistol. she just told him to leave. finally, he fled and aretovan police outside the bank. they took him into a van near a police station. "refuse to be a bank robber," the judge told him. "you have no talent for this to work. if i were you, i tried something else.
Once when I was little my parents and I went to a concert of the famous singer Stas Pyekha. He sang wonderful songs and told some stories about his life. I watched with amazement and thought: When I grow up I too will sing songs that I like! When I was 13 and we went to Moscow, where we again saw Stas and I asked him for an autograph. Since that day I have not become popular, but this dream remained...
Однажды когда я был ещё маленьким мы с родителями ходили на концерт известного певца Стаса Пьехи. Он пел замечательные песни, рассказывал несколько историй о своей жизни. Я с удивлением смотрел и задумался: Когда я выросту я тоже буду петь песни которые мне по душе! Когда мне исполнилось 13 и мы поехали в Москву там мы снова увидели Стаса и я попросил его автограф. С того дня я не стал популярным, но эта мечта осталась...